
Welcome to the Chemistry Department!

Our vision is to provide outstanding learning and teaching for each young person, to develop their curiosity of the world, to create lasting experiences and to revel in a shared love of learning.

I find chemistry an enjoyable subject that is easy to follow but also challenges me!
Higher pupil 2024

In the chemistry classroom I feel I can exercise my brain!
Higher pupil 2024

Curricular Choice / Course Information


National 5 Chemistry

The National 5 course uses an experimental and investigative approach to develop knowledge and understanding of chemical concepts amongst Third and Fourth Year learners. Pupils learn about substances as the building blocks of life and all of the materials that surround us within the main course topics: ‘Chemical Changes and Structure‘, ‘Nature’s Chemistry‘ and ‘Chemistry in Society‘.

The course helps to develop curiosity, interest and enthusiasm for chemistry, with the integration and development of scientific inquiry throughout enabling pupils to become scientifically literate citizens who are able to review the science-based claims they meet. Pupils also develop their ability to think analytically and to make reasoned evaluations while covering a variety of relevant contexts including the chemistry of the Earth’s resources, the chemistry of everyday products and chemical analysis.


Each unit has an end-of-unit assessment which is marked internally. This has two components, one of Knowledge and Understanding and one of Problem-Solving.


The examination at the end of fourth year constitutes 80% of the final grade. This consists of one paper of 2 1/2 hours with a total allocation of 100 marks, 25 marks for multiple choice questions and 75 marks for extended answer questions, some of which will be open-ended.

There is an assignment portion which constitutes 20% of the final grade. The purpose of the assignment is to assess the application of skills of scientific inquiry and related chemistry knowledge and understanding. This component allows assessment of skills which cannot be assessed through the question paper, for example the handling and processing of data gathered as a result of experimental work and research skills.

Both assessment portions, question paper and assignment, are marked externally.


Higher Chemistry

Our Higher course allows pupils to acquire a deeper understanding of the central concepts of Chemistry, of benefit not only to those intending to pursue a career in science, but also to those intending to work in areas such as the food, health or manufacturing industries.

Continuing the subjects studied at National 5, as well as adding a further ‘Researching Chemistry‘ topic, pupils are challenged to think analytically, creatively and independently, and to make reasoned evaluations as they develop a range of transferable skills crucial to the workplace or for studying Chemistry in further education.

The course emphasises practical and experiential learning opportunities, with a strong skills-based approach to learning.

Each unit has an end-of-unit assessment which is marked internally and which must be passed to obtain the Higher qualification. This has two components, one of Knowledge and Understanding and one of Problem Solving.

The examination constitutes 80% of the final grade. This consists of two papers: 25 marks for multiple choice questions (40minutes) and 95 marks for extended answer questions (2h 20minutes), some of which will be open-ended.

The assignment constitutes 20% of the final grade. The assignment assesses the application of skills of scientific inquiry and related chemistry knowledge and understanding. It allows assessment of skills that cannot be assessed by a question paper, for example handling and processing data gathered through experimental and research skills.

Both assessments, question paper and assignment, are marked externally.


Advanced Higher Chemistry

The Advanced Higher course sees pupils develop an in-depth understanding of the nature of matter, from its most fundamental level to the macroscopic interactions driving chemical change. The main course topics studied at this level are: ‘Inorganic Chemistry‘, ‘Physical Chemistry‘, ‘Organic Chemistry and Instrumental Analysis‘ and ‘Researching Chemistry‘. Adding to abilities gained at National 5 and Higher level, Advanced Higher pupils apply critical thinking in new and unfamiliar contexts to solve complex problems, with an emphasis on studying situations where the principles of Chemistry are used and applied in everyday life.

The Advanced Higher course offers opportunities for collaborative and independent learning, with pupils given the autonomy to personalise their choice of project topic. Pupils build on the knowledge and skills developed at Higher level, furthering their capabilities in scientific inquiry and investigation. Pupils will be required to communicate complex ideas and issues, as well as making scientifically informed choices.

Each unit has an end-of-unit assessment which is marked internally and which must be passed to obtain the Advanced Higher qualification. This has two components, one of Knowledge and Understanding and one of Problem-Solving.

The examination constitutes 75% of the final grade. This consists of one paper of 3 hours with a total allocation of 110 marks, 25 marks for multiple choice questions and 85 marks for extended answer questions.

The project constitutes 25% of the final grade. The project allows candidates to carry out an in-depth investigation of a chemistry topic and produce a project report. Candidates are required to individually plan and carry out a chemistry investigation. The project assesses the application of skills of scientific inquiry and related chemistry knowledge and understanding.

Both assessments, examination and project, are marked externally.

Success and Achievement

Chemistry Champions from each year group are nominated from every class S3-6 each month.

They are awarded based on the following criteria:


Successful in and out of the classroom
Commitment to the life of the faculty
Inspiration to others
Encouraging to peers
Never giving up
Creativity shown in classwork and homework
Effort in all areas is outstanding

Pupils who are nominated or awarded Chemistry Champion receive House Points for this achievement.

Extra-Curricular Details

  • Bronze Crest Award
  • Silver Crest Award
  • Young STEM Leader
  • Currently working towards STEM Nation Accreditation as a school

We always celebrate success of our classes through posts on X:


Skills for Life, Learning and work

Lessons throughout Chemistry embed the skills for Life, Learning and Work.

Here is an example of a Chemistry careers lesson where we encourage pupils to research careers in Chemistry and what skills would be needed to follow those pathways.