Our vision is to provide outstanding learning and teaching for each young person, to develop their curiosity of the world, to create lasting experiences and to revel in a shared love of learning.
I find chemistry an enjoyable subject that is easy to follow but also challenges me!
Higher pupil 2024
In the chemistry classroom I feel I can exercise my brain!
Higher pupil 2024
Chemistry Champions from each year group are nominated from every class S3-6 each month.
They are awarded based on the following criteria:
Successful in and out of the classroom
Commitment to the life of the faculty
Inspiration to others
Encouraging to peers
Never giving up
Creativity shown in classwork and homework
Effort in all areas is outstanding
Pupils who are nominated or awarded Chemistry Champion receive House Points for this achievement.
Extra-Curricular Details
We always celebrate success of our classes through posts on X:
Lessons throughout Chemistry embed the skills for Life, Learning and Work.
Here is an example of a Chemistry careers lesson where we encourage pupils to research careers in Chemistry and what skills would be needed to follow those pathways.