School Improvement Networks (SINs)

As part of our continuous journey to improve our school and local community, our staff body have split up into School Improvement Networks (SINs) leading together on what works and matters in our school to secure the highest quality outcomes for our young people.

QI 1.1

Self-evaluation for Self improvement       

  • Develop a culture of self evaluation and continuous improvement in all faculties
  • A skilled and confident staff body engaging with HGIOS4, HGIOURS and other National toolkits
  • All staff provided with the opportunity to look inwards, outwards, and forwards

QI 2.3

Learning, Teaching & Assessment             

  • Improved culture of looking inwards, outwards and forwards to improve learning, teaching and assessment
  • Improved range of systems and approaches for quality assuring learning and teaching across the school
  • Improved assessment approaches that are matched to the needs of all of our learners
  • Ensure our learners know where they are in their learning and can articulate their next steps in this journey

QI 2.5                                    

Parental Involvement & Engagement        

  • Consult with families to assess their needs and target literacy, numeracy and wellbeing programmes appropriately.
  • Create opportunities for families to be actively engaged in the learning activities across the school.
  • Create opportunities for families to participate in a series of creative and enjoyable events throughout the school day to build trust and enjoyment within our school community.
  • Refresh the work of the Parent Council and PTA to be actively involved in school improvement planning.

QI 2.7 & 3.3

Partnerships & In-creasing Creativity and Employability 

  • Develop and promote partnerships (e.g. Audi, BT, RFC..) to improve experiences and outcomes for young people.
  • Embed a clear framework and strategy for a range of partners.
  • Secure access to an extended range of learning pathways for our young people to secure sustained destinations.

QI 2.4 & 3.1

Personalised Support & Wellbeing, Equality & Inclusion 

  • Ensure a shared understanding of wellbeing and the SHANARRI indicators across our school community.
  • Drive forward a shared understanding and use of universal and targeted supports.
  • Ensure learner entitlement is at the forefront of our culture.

QI 3.2

Raising Attainment              

  • Improved attainment levels across all curricular areas in the Senior Phase
  • Outperform our virtual comparator school in all areas within Insight
  • Improved literacy and numeracy attainment through-out the BGE years
  • Improved attainment of disadvantaged young people

QI 3.2

Participation & Achievement                     

  • Produce and implement a Williamwood High School Celebrating Success and Participation policy.
  • Drive forward the new House system.
  • Track, monitor and celebrate pupil participation, achievements and skills.
  • Consult with stakeholders on Awards Ceremonies etc to refresh and create ideas and suggestions over the next year.