Nicola MacGlashan Head Teacher
Mrs MacGlashan has overall responsibility for the school and its ethos, for initiating, monitoring and evaluating school policies. She has overall responsibility for staff management, staff development and for the strategies of participation, consultation and quality assurance. She is the school’s external representative and correspondent and is adviser to the Parent Council. She is also responsible for health and safety and publicity.
Mrs Laura Miller Depute Head Teacher
Mrs Miller has responsibility for all matters relating to S1. She leads support in the school and has responsibility for all matters relating to pupil wellbeing, inclusion, equity and equality. Mrs Miller is responsible for the continuous journey of self-evaluation and self-improvement across the school. Mrs Miller is also the Child Protection Co-ordinator.
Mr Ryan McAllister Depute Head Teacher
Mr McAllister has responsibility for all matters relating to S2. He has ongoing responsibility for leading pupil voice across the school, ensuring that all young people have their say in the improvement agenda within our school Mr McAllister also manages the timetable and is responsible for the wellbeing and continued professional development of staff as well as leading learning, teaching and assessment.
Mr Grant Maybury Depute Head Teacher
Mr Maybury has responsibility for all matters relating to S3. He also manages the timetable and is responsible for co-ordinating SQA Examinations. The responsibility for ICT and digital learning also lies with Mr Maybury as well as skills for developing learning, life and work. Mr Maybury is responsible for liaising with external partners to enhance our existing curricular provision.
Mr Christopher Mutch Depute Head Teacher
Mr Mutch has responsibility for all matters relating to S4. He is also responsible for the continuous journey of self-evaluation and self-improvement across the school. Mr Mutch oversees the curricular pathways for the BGE and Senior Phase managing subject specific transitions between key stages in our school. The overview of whole school attainment also lies with Mr Mutch.
Ross McLeish Depute Head Teacher
Mr McLeish has responsibility for all matters relating to S5. He also oversees the curricular pathways for the BGE and Senior Phase managing subject specific transitions between key stages in our school. Mr McLeish has responsibility for all matters relating to Primary/Secondary Transition and tracking, monitoring and reporting across the school. He is also responsible for celebrating wider achievement and the many successes across our school.
Miss Laura Ferguson Depute Head Teacher
Miss Ferguson has responsibility for all matters relating to S6. The overview of whole school attainment lies with Miss Ferguson as well as leading learning, teaching and assessment. She is the School Regent with responsibility for Newly Qualified Teachers and student teachers.