- What is Morality?
- Does God exist?
- Does religion make a positive contribution to society?
- How did the universe begin?
- What makes a person good?
- What’s the meaning of life?
- Who are you? Are you the same person you were 5 minutes ago?
- Can computers think?
- Are you free or is there a plan?
- Can you know anything for sure?
- Are human’s speciesist?
- Is it right to lie?
- Can miracles happen?
- What makes a good person?
- Is it right to eat meat?
- Should we test cosmetics and pharmaceuticals on animals?
- Does a farmer have a duty to care for animals and the land?
- Should hunting be allowed?
- How should we kill an animal?
- Is vegetarianism or veganism a better way to live?
- What happens when we die?
- How do we explain Near Death Experiences?
- How have different cultures described the afterlife?
- What would you want to be reincarnated as?
- Would you want to freeze yourself?
- Would your deeds get you into Valhalla?
- Who decides right/wrong, legal/illegal?
- Why do people commit crimes? Are they individually responsible or is society, DNA, or our psychology to blame?
- Why do we punish? What is justice?
- What is capital punishment?
- How is it done? Is it moral?
- Can religion and secularism offer guidance?
- Should we bring back the Death Penalty?
- How should we love?
- Are hate preachers following Christian compassion?
- Can you love something too much?
- Is it wrong to be angry?
- How does anger affect Hindu reincarnation?
- Should you be allowed to use hate speech?
- Does sadness help us or limit our growth?
- Is there a way we can measure happiness?
- Can atheists be happy?
- Should ‘happy substances’ be illegal?
- What is Cancel Culture? Why is it an issue?
- How is race, gender, etc., shown in media?
- Is it wrong to use things from other people’s culture?
- Is it cultural appropriation or appreciation?
- When should people lose their job for what they do or what they say, write, or tweet?
- When should we forgive transgresses?
- Is it wrong to shame people? Could it make the issue worse?
- Should everyone be an organ donor?
- Is it right to edit a child’s genes?
- Should we use animal parts to help humans?
- Is it right to create a twin to save another child?
- Should the NHS pay to treat preventable conditions like heart or lung diseases?
- Is faith healing moral? Should it be banned?
- What can do with your own body?
- Should medical information be confidential?
- How can we use logic in our everyday lives?
- What does it mean to say something is true?
- Should we listen to experts?
- Why do we try and exclude others?
- How do our biases affect our decision making?
- When are personal attacks justified?
- Why do we jump to conclusions?
- Are emotional arguments wrong?
- What are BIG questions?
- Who are you? What’s the Meaning of Life?
- How did the universe begin?
- What caused the universe? Random or design?
- What makes something a ‘Great’ invention?
- Will humans live on other planets? Do aliens exist?
- Is there a multiverse? Are we in a computer simulation?
- If you could travel in time to change an event what would it be? Would it be right?
- What inspires awe and wonder in you?
- Which moral issue are you interested in?
- What are the facts of the issue?
- Why is this a moral issue? Why is it debated as an issue of right and wrong?
- What is your opinion on the issue?
- Explain both religious and non-religious views on the issue. Are there any organisations that support or oppose the issue?
- Do you agree or disagree with these views?
- Conclude with an overall opinion that is relevant, accurate, and detailed on the issue you’ve chosen.
Topics covered in S1 and S2
In S1 and S2 RMPS a range of assessment approaches are used including:
- Ongoing, formative, low-stakes assessments such as class quizzes, group discussions or written class work
- End of unit assessments such as group or individual presentations, information posters or written summative assessments