Child Protection

‘Child Protection is a term used to describe the activity that is undertaken to protect specific children who are suffering or likely to suffer significant harm’

The National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland (2014) widened the definition (physical, emotional, sexual, neglect, non-organic failure to thrive) to include FGM, child sexual exploitation, prevent / radicalisation, honour based violence, forced marriage, fabricated or induced illness.


Responding to Child Protection and Safeguarding Concerns at Williamwood High School

If we identify that a young person is at risk of harm we have a duty to respond and notify the relevant agencies.

At all times we must ensure our safeguarding procedures continue to be robust regarding all young people. We have adopted the council’s Signs of Safety approach to safeguarding.

Mrs N MacGlashan

Head Teacher/Child Protection Officer

Mrs L Miller

DHT/ Child Protection Co-ordinator